Small diversion from my usual posts today, as it's the day after the NSW Premier's Literary Awards dinner at which I learned to my thrilled amazement that my 2010 novel, The Hunt for Ned Kelly(Scholastic) had won the Patricia Wrightson Prize, which is the children's literature section of the Awards. A most wonderful moment, I'm so thrilled, for myself, for the book, and for my wonderful agent, publishers, editor, publicist, and dearest husband who had to put up with me rabbiting on about Ned Kelly for months on end! And thank you to the fantastic judges who gave me the best moment of my literary life!
Anyway--a food angle on this is a short report on the dinner we had, which was pretty nice, actually--I had an entree of a cheese and celeriac souffle with candied beetroot--great combination of flavours and textures and colour--David had the alternative entree, which was a lovely leek and potato and bacon soup. I then had roast salmon on a very nice mash with good vegies as well(by this stage was getting a bit distracted!!)and a mixed leaf salad, while David had the alternative, roast small medallions of beef, nicely cooked, with good vegies as well. Dessert were tiny Eccles cakes and something else which I'm afraid I've forgotten as I only glimpsed them going past as I had to get on the stage with the rest of the winners to have our photo opportunity with the Premier! Wine flowed in rivers and there were some good nibblies beforehand, seared scallops in a nice sauce served on individual china soup spoons. A good atmosphere in the Opera House Point marquee--very friendly and convivial and not at all pretentious. A gorgeous view of the Harbour all lit up but some noisy big ferries and cruise boats going past on occasion! A wonderful night.

Small diversion from my usual posts today, as it's the day after the NSW Premier's Literary Awards dinner at which I learned to my thrilled amazement that my 2010 novel, The Hunt for Ned Kelly(Scholastic) had won the Patricia Wrightson Prize, which is the children's literature section of the Awards. A most wonderful moment, I'm so thrilled, for myself, for the book, and for my wonderful agent, publishers, editor, publicist, and dearest husband who had to put up with me rabbiting on about Ned Kelly for months on end! And thank you to the fantastic judges who gave me the best moment of my literary life!
Anyway--a food angle on this is a short report on the dinner we had, which was pretty nice, actually--I had an entree of a cheese and celeriac souffle with candied beetroot--great combination of flavours and textures and colour--David had the alternative entree, which was a lovely leek and potato and bacon soup. I then had roast salmon on a very nice mash with good vegies as well(by this stage was getting a bit distracted!!)and a mixed leaf salad, while David had the alternative, roast small medallions of beef, nicely cooked, with good vegies as well. Dessert were tiny Eccles cakes and something else which I'm afraid I've forgotten as I only glimpsed them going past as I had to get on the stage with the rest of the winners to have our photo opportunity with the Premier! Wine flowed in rivers and there were some good nibblies beforehand, seared scallops in a nice sauce served on individual china soup spoons. A good atmosphere in the Opera House Point marquee--very friendly and convivial and not at all pretentious. A gorgeous view of the Harbour all lit up but some noisy big ferries and cruise boats going past on occasion! A wonderful night.
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