

Sydney Vegan Eat-A-Thon

A few weekends ago I embarked on our vegan eating holiday in Sydney, with Cindy, Michael, Toby, Rebecca and Craig. Our mission was to try loads of dishes and eat more than was imaginable. Kind of like an extended potluck, except we don't have to make anything. At the end of the weekend, I decided that Sydney is actually more vegan friendly than Melbourne. Maybe not in terms of vegan options being in omni cafes but it has more exclusively vegan places compared to vegetarian cafes/restaurants, and more varied options, eg: vegan brunch places, vegan Thai place, loads of vegan desserts in one place. If you asked me to compare the two cities back in 2006 when we went there, I would have said Sydney has loads of Chinese Veg places but Melbourne really kicks it's arse when it comes to vegan food. Part of that was maybe we weren't as well researched but I also think that there have been quite a few vegan places open since then. Would love to hear your sydney-siders opinion on this. Melbournians please hold off any Melbourne defending until you read all of our posts.

It's actually kind of gross how much we ate, so if you are into healthy eating look away. Also, remember I'm eating gluten, fellow coeliacs, sorry! Cindy, Michael, Toby and I will be blogging it together. Toby recorded some of our food conversations with his phone so we may even be able to use direct quotes from everyone. Cindy is going to collate all of the links onto this page and has already started off with a post about our first meal at Yullis which is super gluten free friendly and I though I might also do a similar summary-links post since we had a few extra meals.

So together with Cindy and Michael we went to:
And due to a cancelled flight, we also went to the following places with Bec and Craig:
Here is Toby and I clutching out 'gluten babies' and feeling so so so full and bloated on sat morning, only 2 meals in:

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