
Ok so I really need a camera

So this blog been honoured with Aduki's read one thing in September tag yay! And I've just realised that I am perhaps the only blogger without a camera unless you count Mr T's camera phone which is what I have been using for the last month.

I really need to get one especially for Brisbane food pics. Anyone have any recommendations for cheapish (around $100) cameras that take good food pics?
Ok so I really need a camera

So this blog been honoured with Aduki's read one thing in September tag yay! And I've just realised that I am perhaps the only blogger without a camera unless you count Mr T's camera phone which is what I have been using for the last month.

I really need to get one especially for Brisbane food pics. Anyone have any recommendations for cheapish (around $100) cameras that take good food pics?
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Cupcakes with fillings

Our good friends Tim and Caroline are going on a big massive holiday and so to farewell them our friend Dan made us all a massive amazing feast and to say thank you to her and farewell to Tim and Caroline I made the fauxstess cupcakes from vegan with a vengeance. Here they ready for the filling:

And here is my ugly first attempt at doing the icing. I just used the leftover filling instead of making the royal icing. It tasted better but was difficult to pipe. I also accidentally smudged a couple. It says Timline because that is what we call Caroline and Tim.

We also celebrated Mr T's birthday with lots of friends of sat night and I decided to surprise him by making more cupcakes which proved to be a rather difficult task when you live with the person you want to surprise. This time I made vanilla cupcakes with raspberry filling, chocolate ganache and different icing for the writing. I originally tried to make the royal icing in vegan with a vengeance but discovered that it tasted horrible since soymilk powder tastes like crap. So I made it up with both icing sugar and water and at first the texture was too watery and then it hardened up so much that I couldn't get it out. I also ran out of maple syrup and vanilla extract part way through and dropped half the bag of choc chips on the floor. It was disaster after disaster. I wrote out happy b'day Mr T(with his actual name) and made a couple of smiley faces and because I was so stressed and rushed to get it done before he got home I forgot to take any pictures but I think the writing was only slightly better. Whereas the ganache was worse because they weren't as tall as the fauxstess cupcakes and so I couldn't dip the cupcakes in the ganache and had to pour it on top instead. Here is the one inside shot that I have:

I prefer the vanilla raspberry variations. I made the raspberry icing using pure raspberry fruit topping that I got from the supermarket. It took lots of playing around in terms of adding more raspberry topping and then more icing sugar but I think I got the texture just where I want it in the end. I think I will retire from writing letters in icing now but I do think that all of my cupcakes should have a filling from now on :-)


In other news I woke up feeling super sick today- sore muscles, very very sore throat, head and ears and we have our holiday in less than a week. Noooooooooooooooooooo! I always end up sick for holidays. Although this time I have been guilty of too many late nights, not enough sleep, eating out way too much, not eating enough fruit or veg, or drinking enough water and not getting enough rest. I'm off to see a traditional Chinese doctor now hoping that he can make better before the trip. Fingers crossed!

Cupcakes with fillings

Our good friends Tim and Caroline are going on a big massive holiday and so to farewell them our friend Dan made us all a massive amazing feast and to say thank you to her and farewell to Tim and Caroline I made the fauxstess cupcakes from vegan with a vengeance. Here they ready for the filling:

And here is my ugly first attempt at doing the icing. I just used the leftover filling instead of making the royal icing. It tasted better but was difficult to pipe. I also accidentally smudged a couple. It says Timline because that is what we call Caroline and Tim.

We also celebrated Mr T's birthday with lots of friends of sat night and I decided to surprise him by making more cupcakes which proved to be a rather difficult task when you live with the person you want to surprise. This time I made vanilla cupcakes with raspberry filling, chocolate ganache and different icing for the writing. I originally tried to make the royal icing in vegan with a vengeance but discovered that it tasted horrible since soymilk powder tastes like crap. So I made it up with both icing sugar and water and at first the texture was too watery and then it hardened up so much that I couldn't get it out. I also ran out of maple syrup and vanilla extract part way through and dropped half the bag of choc chips on the floor. It was disaster after disaster. I wrote out happy b'day Mr T(with his actual name) and made a couple of smiley faces and because I was so stressed and rushed to get it done before he got home I forgot to take any pictures but I think the writing was only slightly better. Whereas the ganache was worse because they weren't as tall as the fauxstess cupcakes and so I couldn't dip the cupcakes in the ganache and had to pour it on top instead. Here is the one inside shot that I have:

I prefer the vanilla raspberry variations. I made the raspberry icing using pure raspberry fruit topping that I got from the supermarket. It took lots of playing around in terms of adding more raspberry topping and then more icing sugar but I think I got the texture just where I want it in the end. I think I will retire from writing letters in icing now but I do think that all of my cupcakes should have a filling from now on :-)


In other news I woke up feeling super sick today- sore muscles, very very sore throat, head and ears and we have our holiday in less than a week. Noooooooooooooooooooo! I always end up sick for holidays. Although this time I have been guilty of too many late nights, not enough sleep, eating out way too much, not eating enough fruit or veg, or drinking enough water and not getting enough rest. I'm off to see a traditional Chinese doctor now hoping that he can make better before the trip. Fingers crossed!

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Le wharf de la Salie exclu

NATURA 2000 MER. --Le dossier a été adressé, mercredi, par le ministre de l'Écologie à la commission européenne. Le wharf de la Salie n'est pas dans le périmètre retenu

Le wharf est exclu :Bernadette Dubourg

Deux mois après la fin des consultations des élus sur le périmètre proposé pour Natura 2000 mer sur le bassin d'Arcachon, le ministre de l'Écologie a transmis, avant-hier mercredi, le dossier à la commission européenne à Bruxelles qui doit l'avaliser.
Le wharf de la Salie ne figure plus dans le périmètre retenu, comme l'avaient réclamé les élus, et comme l'avait voté le Conseil municipal de Gujan-Mestras. Ce qui contrarie plusieurs associations (lire notre encadré).

L'ajout du wharf dans le périmètre Natura 2000 ne serait pas scientifiquement fondé

Données scientifiques. « Le wharf n'était pas dans la proposition initiale du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Il a été rajouté lors des phases de concertation, sans que l'on puisse fonder scientifiquement ce rajout » rappelle le sous-préfet Philippe Ramon. Des ostréiculteurs et des associations avaient, notamment, souhaité ce rajout lors d'une réunion en février à laquelle plusieurs élus, pourtant invités, n'avaient pas assisté. Ils avaient dénoncé une « concertation dans la précipitation » et un manque de temps, en période pré-électorale.
« Le périmètre Natura 2000, rappelle le sous-préfet, est une zone où il y a présomption d'un habitat protégé ou d'espèces protégées (fondement des deux directives européennes), sur la base de données scientifiques mais pas d'un véritable recensement. Or la présomption que la zone du Wharf de la Salie est susceptible d'accueillir des habitats ou des espèces protégés est loin d'être suffisamment étayée ».
« En revanche, précise Philippe Ramon, tout ce qui est susceptible d'influencer l'habitat et les espèces protégés à l'intérieur du périmètre doit faire l'objet d'une étude d'incidence. Le Wharf, cela va de soi, en fait partie » (lire ci-dessous).

La surveillance du Wharf. Les effluents du bassin d'Arcachon rejetés à la Salie ne sont pas sans surveillance. Le sous-préfet rappelle les travaux engagés par le Siba et Smurfit auxquels s'ajoute l'actualisation de l'étude Sogreah sur la modélisation des dispersions.
La dernière étude de 1997 montre que dans la configuration la plus défavorable, avec un faible coefficient de marée et un fort vent de sud, le taux de dilution des rejets du wharf est de 0,10 unité par litre après le banc d'Arguin, contre 100 unités par litre à la sortie du Wharf.
Le principe de cette étude d'incidence, même si elle n'est pas obligatoire tant que la commission européenne n'a pas validé le périmètre de Natura 2000, sera présenté à la CLIS (Commission locale d'information et de surveillance) qui se réunit le 25 septembre prochain (1).
C'est également après la validation de Natura 2000 mer que sera élaboré le document d'objectifs (Docob). C'est lui qui détaillera les zones à enjeu de protection importante et pourra même retirer certaines zones. La gestion du Docob sera assurée par l'État ou une collectivé locale comme le Conseil général ou le Siba.
(1) Cette date a été décidée en juin, bien avant que l'avocat des ostréiculteurs, dans sa plainte pour pollution, demande la réunion de la CLIS « sous quinzaine ».

SUD OUEST du 29/08/2008

NATURA 2000 MER. --Le dossier a été adressé, mercredi, par le ministre de l'Écologie à la commission européenne. Le wharf de la Salie n'est pas dans le périmètre retenu

Le wharf est exclu :Bernadette Dubourg

Deux mois après la fin des consultations des élus sur le périmètre proposé pour Natura 2000 mer sur le bassin d'Arcachon, le ministre de l'Écologie a transmis, avant-hier mercredi, le dossier à la commission européenne à Bruxelles qui doit l'avaliser.
Le wharf de la Salie ne figure plus dans le périmètre retenu, comme l'avaient réclamé les élus, et comme l'avait voté le Conseil municipal de Gujan-Mestras. Ce qui contrarie plusieurs associations (lire notre encadré).

L'ajout du wharf dans le périmètre Natura 2000 ne serait pas scientifiquement fondé

Données scientifiques. « Le wharf n'était pas dans la proposition initiale du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Il a été rajouté lors des phases de concertation, sans que l'on puisse fonder scientifiquement ce rajout » rappelle le sous-préfet Philippe Ramon. Des ostréiculteurs et des associations avaient, notamment, souhaité ce rajout lors d'une réunion en février à laquelle plusieurs élus, pourtant invités, n'avaient pas assisté. Ils avaient dénoncé une « concertation dans la précipitation » et un manque de temps, en période pré-électorale.
« Le périmètre Natura 2000, rappelle le sous-préfet, est une zone où il y a présomption d'un habitat protégé ou d'espèces protégées (fondement des deux directives européennes), sur la base de données scientifiques mais pas d'un véritable recensement. Or la présomption que la zone du Wharf de la Salie est susceptible d'accueillir des habitats ou des espèces protégés est loin d'être suffisamment étayée ».
« En revanche, précise Philippe Ramon, tout ce qui est susceptible d'influencer l'habitat et les espèces protégés à l'intérieur du périmètre doit faire l'objet d'une étude d'incidence. Le Wharf, cela va de soi, en fait partie » (lire ci-dessous).

La surveillance du Wharf. Les effluents du bassin d'Arcachon rejetés à la Salie ne sont pas sans surveillance. Le sous-préfet rappelle les travaux engagés par le Siba et Smurfit auxquels s'ajoute l'actualisation de l'étude Sogreah sur la modélisation des dispersions.
La dernière étude de 1997 montre que dans la configuration la plus défavorable, avec un faible coefficient de marée et un fort vent de sud, le taux de dilution des rejets du wharf est de 0,10 unité par litre après le banc d'Arguin, contre 100 unités par litre à la sortie du Wharf.
Le principe de cette étude d'incidence, même si elle n'est pas obligatoire tant que la commission européenne n'a pas validé le périmètre de Natura 2000, sera présenté à la CLIS (Commission locale d'information et de surveillance) qui se réunit le 25 septembre prochain (1).
C'est également après la validation de Natura 2000 mer que sera élaboré le document d'objectifs (Docob). C'est lui qui détaillera les zones à enjeu de protection importante et pourra même retirer certaines zones. La gestion du Docob sera assurée par l'État ou une collectivé locale comme le Conseil général ou le Siba.
(1) Cette date a été décidée en juin, bien avant que l'avocat des ostréiculteurs, dans sa plainte pour pollution, demande la réunion de la CLIS « sous quinzaine ».

SUD OUEST du 29/08/2008
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Brisbane tips

I know I asked this a while ago, but in case there are any changes or other recommendations.

Where are the must eats and must sees for Brisbane?

We leave in less than 2 weeks. We will also be traveling via gold coast so if there are any must eats there please pass them on.
Brisbane tips

I know I asked this a while ago, but in case there are any changes or other recommendations.

Where are the must eats and must sees for Brisbane?

We leave in less than 2 weeks. We will also be traveling via gold coast so if there are any must eats there please pass them on.
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Chinese food x 3

I just realised that this draft hadn't been posted.

It was just coincidence that we had Chinese food 3 days in a row over the weekend and Monday (not this weekend just past but the previous one) but I'm not complaining.

First up, Mr T and I had planned to go to yum cha at Natural and Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant on Sunday but couldn't get through on the phone on sat so we drove to Doncaster to discover that it was closed down and we were starving so we stopped at Vegie Mum for lunch and shared two noodle dishes (the cheapest meals on the menu). They were both quite tasty and reasonably well priced at under $10 but one of the waitresses was kind of rude. If you happen to be in the neighborhood I also suggest the Iranian supermarket (i think it was Iranian) on the same shopping strip which sells three different types of Iranian candy: lemon, rose water and saffron and lots of other interesting products. Anyway, here are our noodle dishes:

Roasted 'Duck' noodles with rice noodles instead of egg noodles

'Beef' with Vegetable rice noodles

The following day we went to what appears to be the only remaining veg restaurant with yum cha in Melbourne: Vegie Hut. They do yum cha on sundays and have 22 yum cha items to choose from. We probably had something like 16 different types of dishes shared between the 10 of us. We still don't have a camera but Mr Took a couple of pics of his camera phone. Favourites included BBQ 'pork' buns and the 'ribs'. You also get free congee (which is like savoury rice porridge) every 2 yum cha items which really excited Mr T who hasn't had congee since he moved from Hong Kong. We will definitely be back for it another time, we ate for about 90 minutes and just kept ordering more dishes and the bill only come to $17 each and we had so much variety. I recommend: the 'BBQ' pork buns which appeared to be everyone's favourite, the turnip cake and the 'ribs' which are not very rib like but are super tasty. Here's a look at some of the dishes:

Congee which was tasty not bland like other congees I have had

Vegetable dumplings and pieces of turnip cake (which is a savoury slice made from parsnip not turnip)

'Ribs' and 'shrimp' rolls. With the shrimp rolls you have to ask for it to be made with soy milk.

Lastly, we went to Shanghai noodle house for dinner with my family on the Monday. Mr T and I shared fried vegetable dumplings, rice cakes and spinach buns. Sadly, I was disappointed with the dumplings I much prefer the dumplings next door at camy's and it actually felt more tacky than camy's and camy's is super tacky. My family weren't very impressed with their dishes either and they said that their fish dish was too chewy. It did have much better service compared to Camy's and I did enjoy the rice cakes which are not what you think. To see a pic of the rice cakes check out the first pic of Cindy's review. We didn't take pics since Mr T didn't have his camera phone and we still don't have a camera.
Chinese food x 3

I just realised that this draft hadn't been posted.

It was just coincidence that we had Chinese food 3 days in a row over the weekend and Monday (not this weekend just past but the previous one) but I'm not complaining.

First up, Mr T and I had planned to go to yum cha at Natural and Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant on Sunday but couldn't get through on the phone on sat so we drove to Doncaster to discover that it was closed down and we were starving so we stopped at Vegie Mum for lunch and shared two noodle dishes (the cheapest meals on the menu). They were both quite tasty and reasonably well priced at under $10 but one of the waitresses was kind of rude. If you happen to be in the neighborhood I also suggest the Iranian supermarket (i think it was Iranian) on the same shopping strip which sells three different types of Iranian candy: lemon, rose water and saffron and lots of other interesting products. Anyway, here are our noodle dishes:

Roasted 'Duck' noodles with rice noodles instead of egg noodles

'Beef' with Vegetable rice noodles

The following day we went to what appears to be the only remaining veg restaurant with yum cha in Melbourne: Vegie Hut. They do yum cha on sundays and have 22 yum cha items to choose from. We probably had something like 16 different types of dishes shared between the 10 of us. We still don't have a camera but Mr Took a couple of pics of his camera phone. Favourites included BBQ 'pork' buns and the 'ribs'. You also get free congee (which is like savoury rice porridge) every 2 yum cha items which really excited Mr T who hasn't had congee since he moved from Hong Kong. We will definitely be back for it another time, we ate for about 90 minutes and just kept ordering more dishes and the bill only come to $17 each and we had so much variety. I recommend: the 'BBQ' pork buns which appeared to be everyone's favourite, the turnip cake and the 'ribs' which are not very rib like but are super tasty. Here's a look at some of the dishes:

Congee which was tasty not bland like other congees I have had

Vegetable dumplings and pieces of turnip cake (which is a savoury slice made from parsnip not turnip)

'Ribs' and 'shrimp' rolls. With the shrimp rolls you have to ask for it to be made with soy milk.

Lastly, we went to Shanghai noodle house for dinner with my family on the Monday. Mr T and I shared fried vegetable dumplings, rice cakes and spinach buns. Sadly, I was disappointed with the dumplings I much prefer the dumplings next door at camy's and it actually felt more tacky than camy's and camy's is super tacky. My family weren't very impressed with their dishes either and they said that their fish dish was too chewy. It did have much better service compared to Camy's and I did enjoy the rice cakes which are not what you think. To see a pic of the rice cakes check out the first pic of Cindy's review. We didn't take pics since Mr T didn't have his camera phone and we still don't have a camera.
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Remise du prix Mazodier à Patrick Glotin

Jean Mazodier remettant le prix à Patrick Glotin à la fin de l'AG 2008


Sud ouest 26 Aout 2008
Un documentaire primé
Patrick Glotin a reçu le prix Mazodier de la Fondation Capitaine de vaisseau

Par : Annie Peyras

La Fondation Capitaine de vaisseau Pierre Mazodier remet tous les ans un prix à une personne pour souligner ses actions. L'an dernier, le président de l'Amicale de la Flotte, Christian Plouvier, l'avait reçu pour la réhabilitation du voilier la «Flotte13».

Célébrités locales.
Cette année, Patrick Glotin s'est vu récompensé pour le très beau film documentaire qu'il a tourné sur le Cap-Ferret et sur des figures locales célèbres. Ce film, enregistré en DVD, est disponible au public dans les maisons de la presse de la presqu'île.
Patrick Glotin, en vacances au Pays basque, «car, dit-il, il y a trop de monde au Cap en juillet et en août», est venu spécialement pour recevoir son prix, un chèque de 300euros. Il voudrait que ce chèque soit remis à la Société nationale de sauvetage en mer, un geste que l'assistance a salué.

Jean Mazodier remettant le prix à Patrick Glotin à la fin de l'AG 2008


Sud ouest 26 Aout 2008
Un documentaire primé
Patrick Glotin a reçu le prix Mazodier de la Fondation Capitaine de vaisseau

Par : Annie Peyras

La Fondation Capitaine de vaisseau Pierre Mazodier remet tous les ans un prix à une personne pour souligner ses actions. L'an dernier, le président de l'Amicale de la Flotte, Christian Plouvier, l'avait reçu pour la réhabilitation du voilier la «Flotte13».

Célébrités locales.
Cette année, Patrick Glotin s'est vu récompensé pour le très beau film documentaire qu'il a tourné sur le Cap-Ferret et sur des figures locales célèbres. Ce film, enregistré en DVD, est disponible au public dans les maisons de la presse de la presqu'île.
Patrick Glotin, en vacances au Pays basque, «car, dit-il, il y a trop de monde au Cap en juillet et en août», est venu spécialement pour recevoir son prix, un chèque de 300euros. Il voudrait que ce chèque soit remis à la Société nationale de sauvetage en mer, un geste que l'assistance a salué.
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Quelques photos de l'AG 2008


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Quelques photos de l'AG 2008




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Chocolate Mill

Ok so I lied about posting, but this will be quick.

Somehow I have been to daylesford a couple of times without realising that the chocolate mill is quite vegan friendly and visiting. On Sunday we went on a daytrip, I'm hoping Caroline will blog and post her pics of our lunch since I forgot to take any but here are a couple from the chocolate Mill.

First up here the soup bowl sized hot chocolate:

And then they sell all sorts of individual chocolates and have V's to show which ones are vegan. Here are my choices:

Cardamom disc, ginger, cherry lips, cinnamon stick and peppermint leaf.

Here is a closer look:

Cinnamon stick

Inside cherry lips.

The cherry lips were a bit too artificial cherry tasting for me but I strongly recommend all of the others and the hot chocolate.

As for the vegetarian Himalaya Bakery and Cafe, I recommend the cherry pastry, sugar less apple pie and smoked tofu and vegie pie.

Daylesford I heart you!

Chocolate Mill

Ok so I lied about posting, but this will be quick.

Somehow I have been to daylesford a couple of times without realising that the chocolate mill is quite vegan friendly and visiting. On Sunday we went on a daytrip, I'm hoping Caroline will blog and post her pics of our lunch since I forgot to take any but here are a couple from the chocolate Mill.

First up here the soup bowl sized hot chocolate:

And then they sell all sorts of individual chocolates and have V's to show which ones are vegan. Here are my choices:

Cardamom disc, ginger, cherry lips, cinnamon stick and peppermint leaf.

Here is a closer look:

Cinnamon stick

Inside cherry lips.

The cherry lips were a bit too artificial cherry tasting for me but I strongly recommend all of the others and the hot chocolate.

As for the vegetarian Himalaya Bakery and Cafe, I recommend the cherry pastry, sugar less apple pie and smoked tofu and vegie pie.

Daylesford I heart you!

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Will blog a proper post soon

For some reason every single type of social event imaginable has been squeezed into the last couple of weeks and the next week or so. Lots have been food related like veg yum cha, another potluck and lots of dinners/lunches. There will even a day trip to daylesford tomorrow. So blogging will just have to wait. But I have lots to share when I get more than 5 minutes to blog about it. I will start commenting on everyone's blog then too. I don't even have enough time to keep up to date with all of my fav blogs, bloglines tells me that I currently have over 200 posts from blogs that I regularly in read.

But right now Button is screaming for attention.
Will blog a proper post soon

For some reason every single type of social event imaginable has been squeezed into the last couple of weeks and the next week or so. Lots have been food related like veg yum cha, another potluck and lots of dinners/lunches. There will even a day trip to daylesford tomorrow. So blogging will just have to wait. But I have lots to share when I get more than 5 minutes to blog about it. I will start commenting on everyone's blog then too. I don't even have enough time to keep up to date with all of my fav blogs, bloglines tells me that I currently have over 200 posts from blogs that I regularly in read.

But right now Button is screaming for attention.
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Jeudi 21 août 2008 Bassin d'Arcachon

.......--L'urbanisation de la presqu'île et du Bassin préoccupe l'association de protection et d'aménagement Esprit local en danger
:Annie Peyras

Il y avait un peu moins de monde cette année que la précédente, lors de l'assemblée générale de l'association de protection et d'aménagement de Lège-Cap-Ferret qui a eu lieu jeudi dernier.Comme pour les autres assemblées (CODEPPI et ASYNPRO) qui se sont tenues quelques jours, voire quelques heures plus tôt, le devenir et la préservation du Bassin et de la presqu'île ont été au centre des débats.

Forte de 750 adhérents, cette association, présidée par Jean Mazodier, participe activement à divers dossiers. Elle propose ses idées aux élus du Bassin mais aussi aux administrations départementales et régionales.

Préserver le territoire.

Le souhait de l'association est de léguer aux générations futures cet esprit ferret capien et ce territoire pareil à nul autre.
Dans cette optique, les membres ont approuvé sans restriction le plan Natura 2000 Terre et mer.
Dans son rapport, le président Jean Mazodier a dénoncé un nouveau projet de construction dont le permis a été signé, route de la Vigne.
Il a critiqué également les clôtures érigées à des hauteurs démesurées et pleines (1) qui fleurissent un peu partout, prenant comme exemple celle construite récemment sur le boulevard de la Plage.
Jean Mazodier a interpellé les ostréiculteurs qui auraient pu profiter de cette période de fermeture de la vente des huîtres pour nettoyer leurs parcs.

Prise de conscience.

« Le Ferret est affreux ! Affreux ! » s'est écriée une résidente qui y vient depuis 50 ans. On a même entendu dans la salle : « Il faudrait créer une brigade de démolition des clôtures non autorisées. »Michel Sammarcelli (2) est conscient que le Bassin et le Cap Ferret, notamment, sont trop urbanisés et que le trop gros flux de touristes les met en danger.
Le PLU (Plan local d'urbanisme), « annulé pour une virgule, a déclaré le maire, doit être redéposé très vite, car, pour l'heure, c'est l'ancien plan d'occupation des sols qui fait référence et les promoteurs commencent à en profiter. »
D'autres sujets, très ferret capiens ont été évoqués tel que le fait d'interdire le stationnement sur le boulevard de la Plage, entre le 14 juillet et le 15 août, ou encore le débordement des milices privées commanditées pour surveiller des établissements privés et qui interviennent sur la voie publique.
Pour la première fois, il n'y a pas eu d'apéritif ferret-capien à l'issue de l'assemblée, faute d'huîtres, alors interdites à la vente.

(1) Le cahier des charges stipule que les clôtures doivent être en dur sur 60 cm et le reste à claire-voie.
(2) Le sous-préfet Philippe Ramon et le conseiller général Christian Gaubert sont également intervenus au cours de cette assemblée.
Jeudi 21 août 2008 Bassin d'Arcachon

.......--L'urbanisation de la presqu'île et du Bassin préoccupe l'association de protection et d'aménagement Esprit local en danger
:Annie Peyras

Il y avait un peu moins de monde cette année que la précédente, lors de l'assemblée générale de l'association de protection et d'aménagement de Lège-Cap-Ferret qui a eu lieu jeudi dernier.Comme pour les autres assemblées (CODEPPI et ASYNPRO) qui se sont tenues quelques jours, voire quelques heures plus tôt, le devenir et la préservation du Bassin et de la presqu'île ont été au centre des débats.

Forte de 750 adhérents, cette association, présidée par Jean Mazodier, participe activement à divers dossiers. Elle propose ses idées aux élus du Bassin mais aussi aux administrations départementales et régionales.

Préserver le territoire.

Le souhait de l'association est de léguer aux générations futures cet esprit ferret capien et ce territoire pareil à nul autre.
Dans cette optique, les membres ont approuvé sans restriction le plan Natura 2000 Terre et mer.
Dans son rapport, le président Jean Mazodier a dénoncé un nouveau projet de construction dont le permis a été signé, route de la Vigne.
Il a critiqué également les clôtures érigées à des hauteurs démesurées et pleines (1) qui fleurissent un peu partout, prenant comme exemple celle construite récemment sur le boulevard de la Plage.
Jean Mazodier a interpellé les ostréiculteurs qui auraient pu profiter de cette période de fermeture de la vente des huîtres pour nettoyer leurs parcs.

Prise de conscience.

« Le Ferret est affreux ! Affreux ! » s'est écriée une résidente qui y vient depuis 50 ans. On a même entendu dans la salle : « Il faudrait créer une brigade de démolition des clôtures non autorisées. »Michel Sammarcelli (2) est conscient que le Bassin et le Cap Ferret, notamment, sont trop urbanisés et que le trop gros flux de touristes les met en danger.
Le PLU (Plan local d'urbanisme), « annulé pour une virgule, a déclaré le maire, doit être redéposé très vite, car, pour l'heure, c'est l'ancien plan d'occupation des sols qui fait référence et les promoteurs commencent à en profiter. »
D'autres sujets, très ferret capiens ont été évoqués tel que le fait d'interdire le stationnement sur le boulevard de la Plage, entre le 14 juillet et le 15 août, ou encore le débordement des milices privées commanditées pour surveiller des établissements privés et qui interviennent sur la voie publique.
Pour la première fois, il n'y a pas eu d'apéritif ferret-capien à l'issue de l'assemblée, faute d'huîtres, alors interdites à la vente.

(1) Le cahier des charges stipule que les clôtures doivent être en dur sur 60 cm et le reste à claire-voie.
(2) Le sous-préfet Philippe Ramon et le conseiller général Christian Gaubert sont également intervenus au cours de cette assemblée.
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Choc melting moments

These are my first trial from the new Aussie dessert cookbook called vegan indulgence.

These are super easy-the type of thing you can bake on a weeknight and they melt in your mouth. I'm pretty sure that I used more margarine that the recipe asked for though and didn't do the fork imprint to make it look prettier because they were just for us and we don't mind ugly cookies.

Choc melting moments

These are my first trial from the new Aussie dessert cookbook called vegan indulgence.

These are super easy-the type of thing you can bake on a weeknight and they melt in your mouth. I'm pretty sure that I used more margarine that the recipe asked for though and didn't do the fork imprint to make it look prettier because they were just for us and we don't mind ugly cookies.

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Tomato sauce with Soy sauce?

One night several weeks ago Mr T whipped up this dish to save going to the supermarket. He said that he would blog about it but he's a lazy ass blogger so I'm using it. It consisted of greens, soy sausages, pasta and a tomato sauce-soy sauce combination and it was amazing. I love moments like that where his own combinations are better than recipes that we make, they are pretty rare but excellent!

We used to order a tofu dish in HK that was made of the same combination but with actual tomatoes in it and it rocked. It basically tastes like a tomato sauce with a bit of tang to it and pasta and soy sausages are definitely friends :-)
Tomato sauce with Soy sauce?

One night several weeks ago Mr T whipped up this dish to save going to the supermarket. He said that he would blog about it but he's a lazy ass blogger so I'm using it. It consisted of greens, soy sausages, pasta and a tomato sauce-soy sauce combination and it was amazing. I love moments like that where his own combinations are better than recipes that we make, they are pretty rare but excellent!

We used to order a tofu dish in HK that was made of the same combination but with actual tomatoes in it and it rocked. It basically tastes like a tomato sauce with a bit of tang to it and pasta and soy sausages are definitely friends :-)
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It's rant time

I've spoken about this before, but I desepr
It's rant time

I've spoken about this before, but I desepr
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Bake Off

Here was my ugly contribution: cookie dough brownies basically the recipe that is floating around the net with a few alterations like white choc on top and a different brownie base. So it's layer of brownie, layer of cookie dough and layer of white choc. I thought they looked ugly so I tried to make them look better with dark choc on top and it just made it worse, but I think they tasted pretty good.

Anyway, the bake off was amazing. There was something like 38 or 39 dishes. I couldn't taste them all but tried probably over a dozen and then felt sick and very full. Highlights include oreo cheesecake, vanilla slice (which come 3rd), peanut butter choc cupcakes with mini cupcakes on top (second place), cupcakes baked into waffle cones, lemon slice and so much more.

Mr T took pics with his phone and swears he will blog about it tomorrow- here .

For dinner we went to Veg Nirvana with about a dozen people and because there was so many of us and it was sat night it was all you can eat for $25.

The day would have been perfect except we went to the tofu shop for lunch and the boss was being his normal anti-vegan rude self and started harassing poor Mr T and a few others with his crazy arguments like 'veganism is consumerism driven' and 'animals have to die anyway' and shit like that. Mr T was just trying to enjoy his meal and is the gentlest person ever so I don't think we will go back again.

Bake Off

Here was my ugly contribution: cookie dough brownies basically the recipe that is floating around the net with a few alterations like white choc on top and a different brownie base. So it's layer of brownie, layer of cookie dough and layer of white choc. I thought they looked ugly so I tried to make them look better with dark choc on top and it just made it worse, but I think they tasted pretty good.

Anyway, the bake off was amazing. There was something like 38 or 39 dishes. I couldn't taste them all but tried probably over a dozen and then felt sick and very full. Highlights include oreo cheesecake, vanilla slice (which come 3rd), peanut butter choc cupcakes with mini cupcakes on top (second place), cupcakes baked into waffle cones, lemon slice and so much more.

Mr T took pics with his phone and swears he will blog about it tomorrow- here .

For dinner we went to Veg Nirvana with about a dozen people and because there was so many of us and it was sat night it was all you can eat for $25.

The day would have been perfect except we went to the tofu shop for lunch and the boss was being his normal anti-vegan rude self and started harassing poor Mr T and a few others with his crazy arguments like 'veganism is consumerism driven' and 'animals have to die anyway' and shit like that. Mr T was just trying to enjoy his meal and is the gentlest person ever so I don't think we will go back again.

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Some good news and bad news

First the good: Birds Eye Corn fritters are vegan and are very tasty. Thanks Dan for introducing them to me.

Also, the exact same 'chicken' nuggets you buy at Lord of the fries can be found at Vincent's vegetarian food. They taste amazing baked in the oven. We served them up at a party recently and everyone thought they were eating chicken.

Now the bad: Kolios-Nistisimo or the feta and mozzorella greek fasting cheeses you can buy at the vic market which are advertised as vegan are not vegan, they unfortunately contains small amounts of casein. Thanks Emily for letting me know.
Some good news and bad news

First the good: Birds Eye Corn fritters are vegan and are very tasty. Thanks Dan for introducing them to me.

Also, the exact same 'chicken' nuggets you buy at Lord of the fries can be found at Vincent's vegetarian food. They taste amazing baked in the oven. We served them up at a party recently and everyone thought they were eating chicken.

Now the bad: Kolios-Nistisimo or the feta and mozzorella greek fasting cheeses you can buy at the vic market which are advertised as vegan are not vegan, they unfortunately contains small amounts of casein. Thanks Emily for letting me know.
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I have a new toy

This avanti icing and biscuit syringe, I prefer to call it a gun though because well syringe doesn't sound very cool. The disks can be used to make all different shaped biscuits by inserting the cookie dough in the gun and then using the disc as a filter. Mmm what type of biscuits should I make with it? Plus I think the discs will also make great stencils for decorating cupcakes with icing sugar, cocoa or whatever.

Pic taken from Cake Deco.

I'm pretty lazy when it comes to icing cupcakes, I just spread it on because I hate pastry bags, but not this. I lurrrrrrrrrve this gun.

So I made the vanilla and choc marble cupcakes from VCTOTW. Unfortunately, instead of 3 dozen I only got 2 and a half dozen and they were hard and not very full of flavour. So I also made a couple of dozen vanilla cupcakes and put some choc chips in, but thy just sunk to the bottom. I also followed Mandee's idea and decided to make two toned icing but without a divider, I just put choc icing on one side of the gun and vanilla on the other and it still worked.

Sorry for the quality of the pics they were taken on a camera phone. I was going for a soft serve style icing. I really need to get another digital camera.

I also loaned my friends cupcake courier which I swear is the best invention ever.

I have a new toy

This avanti icing and biscuit syringe, I prefer to call it a gun though because well syringe doesn't sound very cool. The disks can be used to make all different shaped biscuits by inserting the cookie dough in the gun and then using the disc as a filter. Mmm what type of biscuits should I make with it? Plus I think the discs will also make great stencils for decorating cupcakes with icing sugar, cocoa or whatever.

Pic taken from Cake Deco.

I'm pretty lazy when it comes to icing cupcakes, I just spread it on because I hate pastry bags, but not this. I lurrrrrrrrrve this gun.

So I made the vanilla and choc marble cupcakes from VCTOTW. Unfortunately, instead of 3 dozen I only got 2 and a half dozen and they were hard and not very full of flavour. So I also made a couple of dozen vanilla cupcakes and put some choc chips in, but thy just sunk to the bottom. I also followed Mandee's idea and decided to make two toned icing but without a divider, I just put choc icing on one side of the gun and vanilla on the other and it still worked.

Sorry for the quality of the pics they were taken on a camera phone. I was going for a soft serve style icing. I really need to get another digital camera.

I also loaned my friends cupcake courier which I swear is the best invention ever.

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